بطارية علاج الضوء

بطارية علاج الضوء

الأربعاء, فبراير 16, 2023

ال ضوء تشغيل الأسنان is an essential equipment for any dental practice that uses to set dental restorative materials, such as composites, adhesives, and sealants. الn, the light cure battery is the key component in the dental علاج الضوء, because it designed to provide long-lasting and reliable power to your dental علاج الضوء. It is a guarantee of dentist can perform your dental procedures with confidence.

ما هو الغرض من العلاج بالضوء؟

ال علاج الضوء is the dental equipment for the علاج خفيف للمركب. ال dental علاج الضوء emits a bright concentrated blue light to quickly harden the dental filling material in place.

How to Charge A ضوء علاج الأسنان?

You need to strictly follow the product manual to charge the ضوء تشغيل الأسنان. الn, usually, the normal charging process is connecting the dental علاج الضوء stand to the wall-mount transformer and inserting the علاج الضوء into the charging stand.

How Long Do ضوء علاج الأسنانs Last?

تشير العديد من أنواع الأبحاث إلى أنه يمكن أن يستمر حوالي 1000 ساعة (أي ما يعادل حوالي 5 سنوات من الاستخدام السريري).

How to Prolong the Life of Your بطارية علاج الضوء?

في هذا القسم ، سيسرد المؤلف بعض الطرق لإطالة عمر بطارية العلاج بالضوء.

الطريقة 1: إعادة الشحن بانتظام

To avoid irreparable total discharge, you need to be aware of the charging time of the various types of batteries. الn, the nickel metal hydride batteries should be charged after three months. ال lithium polymer and lithium-ion batteries need to be charged after six months at the latest. Furthermore, it is noticed that there is a memory effect in the battery. You need to ensure the battery should be out of power before getting recharged. Also, there is a difference between lithium-polymer and lithium-ion batteries. ال lithium-polymer batteries can be discharged or recharged at any time.

Method 2: Keep Your بطارية علاج الضوء Contacts Clean

ال exposed light cure battery should be placed in a clean space to prevent contact with contamination such as dust or composite residues. This action aims to ensure the good conductivity and charging capacity of the light cure battery. Also, you need to regularly and thoroughly clean the علاج ضوء البطارية 18500 الاتصالات الكهربائية المعدنية. إذا تم استخدام نظام الشحن الاستقرائي مع علاج الضوء, you don’t have to take this measure. Using the normal wipe disinfection is a wise cleaning solution.

الطريقة 3: شراء بطارية بديلة في الوقت المناسب

Each battery has its lifespan. And, typically, lithium-polymer and lithium-ion batteries lose about 30 percent of their capacity after three years of use. الrefore, you need to bear the lifespan of the light cure battery in mind and replace the battery in time to prevent the interruption of dental procedures.


Without the light cure battery, dental علاج الضوء has no power to run. ال light cure battery is an essential component of any modern dental practice. Whether you are a solo practitioner or part of a larger dental team, a good battery is a must-have for anyone who wants to provide the best possible care to their patients.